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Community Support Program

EuroBronyCon 2021 postponed! For more information see the Covid-19 info page


Many people have been asking us what the ‘Community Support Option’ – Ticket is, that is available in the Ticket Shop. To put it simple:

If you feel very generous you can buy the ‘Community Support Option’ to support fellow Bronies who come from low-income countries or who have other financial problems to attend EuroBronyCon 2021! You are able to purchase the ‘Community Support Option’ either in addition to your ticket or on it’s own without a ticket. So you are still able to be a part of EuroBronyCon 2021 even if you will not make it to be here in person.

Apply for a Community-Support ticket

How it works!

Generous Bronies that are buying the ‘Community Support Option’ in the Ticket Shop basically pay for half a ticket, that will be given to verified applicants of the Community Ticket Application by random chance.

Generally speaking: For every two ‘Community Support Options’ sold in the Ticket shop, one Brony will get to EuroBronyCon 2021 for free!

Everypony who purchased the ‘Community Support Option’ one or multiple times, will be credited in the Con-Guide as well as the amount of Bronies who were able to attend EuroBronyCon 2021 for free because of the buyer. This list will also be published on our social media and on our website.

For Example: If Connie Bloom buys the ‘Community Support Option’ three times, she made it possible for 1 and 1/2 Bronies to attend EuroBronyCon 2021 for free!

Additionally all the Bronies who received a ‘Community Ticket’ will be mentioned in the Con-Guide as well, so that everypony knows who was able to attend EuroBronyCon 2021 because of the generous Bronies who supported the ‘Community Support Program’.


Please note that the ‘Community Support Program’ is meant for people with financial problems. We trust in the element of honesty inside all of us that the ‘Community Support Program’ is not going to be abused. Nopony should apply for the ‘Community Support Program’ to receive a free ‘Community Ticket’ if the financial ability to afford a regular ticket is present.